“Good Decisions Come From Experience, But Experience Comes From Making Bad Decisions.”

Why slowing down makes you a smarter decision maker

Claudia Brose
5 min readOct 27, 2022
woman from behind, yellow sweater, wool hat, looking at corn field with two paths, trying to decide
Photo by Burst on Unsplash

It took a while (read years living on this planet) to realize when making decisions I can trust my gut, my own opinion, and my analysis. All of which are informed by outside information and perspectives and my own experience and thinking. Decision-making is a combination of all of them.

I learned something valuable from photographers which are easily transferable to any other subject matter: When you press the shutter button, everything you have experienced, learned, seen, and heard in your life flows into that one moment when you decide to capture that slice of time as a photograph.

The complex nature of decision-making.

We try to be objective but even that is influenced by our emotions and trust. Trust in the information we research, trust in the advice from others, and trust in ourselves.

Slowing Down Helps For Better Decision Making

If you slow down and take a breath you become aware of the little moment that lies between the decision that is put in front of you and the response that is expected from you.



Claudia Brose

Writer, Event-Creator, Marketing Professional turned Rebel against a rushed world | Japan mad | Cyclist | Get my Newsletter Un-Rush claudiabrose.substack.com