How To Connect With Your Audience

5 Transferable Lessons from other areas of work and life

Claudia Brose
9 min readFeb 23, 2023
photo © Claudia Brose | Venice

Sometimes we try to figure things out and get stuck.

For example, how can we connect with an audience?

What can be helpful is to look into other areas of work, businesses, subject matters, or your past experience to find an idea or different approach.

Take photography as a model for how to connect with people or your audience.

Walking around with a camera and taking pictures of a city’s life and its people is good training for observational and connecting skills.

No Postcard Pictures, Please!

We just came back from teaching a photography workshop in Venice, Italy. The workshop was not about creating the best postcard pictures of Venice. These exist already a million times. In fact, one rule for the fully-immersed days was to not dare to show any postcard photographs in the picture critique and feedback sessions at the end of each day.

After four days of roaming this unique city on the water, the participants resumed their experience: A lot of their experience was about connecting. Connecting to people, to an unique place, to reality. Even connecting to themselves.



Claudia Brose

Writer, Event-Creator, Marketing Professional turned Rebel against a rushed world | Japan mad | Cyclist | Get my Newsletter Un-Rush