How To Slow Down And Create More

Claudia Brose
3 min readFeb 24, 2022

What you win when you dare to slow down while others keep hurrying

photo © Alexandre Chambon on Unsplash

Slow down and you create more.

Sounds like a contradiction? Or like fake news?

Nowadays, slowness and patience have negative associations.

Taking time or being condemned to slowness by external circumstances is an unloved condition, perceived as “wasted time”.

However, more and more people, companies and researchers are recognizing that “slowing down” is a promising strategy, especially in times of acceleration.

Switching into slow mode

Whoever dares to go against the stream and has the guts to slow down ends up being a better listener, observer and thinker.

However, in times of permanent acceleration and the demand that everything should be faster, higher, short-term thinking.

We are constantly in a hurry and under pressure. This leads to mistakes and we spend time cleaning them up again. It is easy to lose sight of the essentials and the ability to focus in the rush.

Let’s stick with the cliché — less is more

When multitasking, nothing goes faster, in fact, it goes slower. The brain processes multiple tasks serially, jumping…



Claudia Brose

Writer, Event-Creator, Marketing Professional turned Rebel against a rushed world | Japan mad | Cyclist | Get my Newsletter Un-Rush