How To Transform Your Annoying Meetings To Short And Sweet Quickies.

Meeting culture can be vastly improved with one ingredient.

Claudia Brose
4 min readJun 5, 2022
photo © Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

“When we have a meeting at our company,” a friend recently told me, “everyone sits there with their laptops open, checking their emails (or god knows what).”

Listening? Being interested? Treating each other with respect? Less so.

You can name the problem with one words: Attention.

In meetings we often have a situation of split attention.

The attention of the meeting’s participants is neither fully focused on the meeting nor fully focused on the emails (since one is still following the meeting with one ear).

And in terms of time-waster: The actual work cannot continue because the employee has to sit in this we-are-so-busy-and-important meeting.

The power over your potential to pay attention

Are you aware of how the meeting culture lets you siphon your attention from others instead of remaining the master of your attention potential yourself?

Are those who call for a meeting aware of how they are distracting their staff and colleagues from their work?



Claudia Brose

Writer, Event-Creator, Marketing Professional turned Rebel against a rushed world | Japan mad | Cyclist | Get my Newsletter Un-Rush