The Magical Things That Happen When You Begin Paying Attention
You end up boosting well-being, productivity and relationships
Every day I experience how magical things happen when I pay attention.
Why is that?
“You become what you Pay Attention to. If you don’t decide for yourself to which thoughts and images you expose yourself, someone else will.” — Epictetus, Greek stoic and philosopher
Because paying attention is the key to so many areas of life and work.
Think about it — what are people striving for?
- Having a future
- Being loved
- Being healthy
- Enjoying life
- Having less stress
- Having flexibility
- Having more time
This is what I noticed: the things people complain about almost always come down to a lack of paying attention.
My health is declining but I can’t pay attention to my body or the signals because I am too busy working!
I don’t have enough time for my partner or friends because I don’t have the attention span and patience for them.