Who I Am Will Become A More Urgent Question Than Ever Before

Claudia Brose
7 min readMar 2, 2022

A set of relevant life skills can be your resilience-foundation for life and work

© Brett Jordn on Unsplash

We like to be in control.

But we have no control over unexpected and unknown situations.

Mega-dramas, drastic situations and crises happen. In our daily personal and professional lives, on a larger scale such as a financial crises, attacks or floods, or on a global scale such as epidemics.

We don’t know what the future will look like.

But we can have more control over our attitudes, how we see, classify and deal with the situation. There are several ways to build resilience and self-awareness by learning to be more mindful of ourselves, our immediate environment, and the world at large.

Experienced versus emotional decision making

We live in cities where everything works, and we expect basic ways of living and working to remain the same.

We are generally not exposed to dangerous situations, like war reporters, extreme athletes, firefighters, etc., where we have to fear for our survival and from which we can gain experience for future situations.

When a disaster happens, many of us feel trapped in our situation. We wait for…



Claudia Brose

Writer, Event-Creator, Marketing Professional turned Rebel against a rushed world | Japan mad | Cyclist | Get my Newsletter Un-Rush claudiabrose.substack.com