You Are Wasting Your Time When You Speed Read
If you want to be smarter and equipped for the future skip the skimming
When has speed reading become a thing?
And why is it supposed to be so great?
Here is why. Because you can consume even more in less time in our over-consuming world. Since you can’t even catch up with your own thoughts anymore you want to down-size the input you read. No time anymore for, I dare to say, “normal” reading.
Speed can be good for some things.
But speed doesn’t necessarily make you always better or smarter.
Racing in Formula One you better speed if you wanna get the trophy.
If you are on the operating table you don’t want that surgeon to speed through the procedure he is performing on you so he can win the race of who cuts, cleans, and closes you the fastest among the top surgeons.
If you shortcut your kids’ bedtime story she wants you to read you might not only miss out on precious time with your little one but you also compromise the proper brain development of a human being from a very early age. To help parents with their busy schedules and time-consuming kids the world invented “The One-Minute Bedtime Story”. Classic fairy tales are stripped of everything…